Tricks on becoming confident during your shoot!
Trust your photographer - We will guide you, have fun with you, and break the ice! We've done
this plenty of times before, so have faith and cling to us for support!
Laugh it off - If you don't know what you're doing, that's okay. Get silly with it, laugh at yourself,
and get into the zone!
Be you - Nobody expects you to be a professional model. You don't have to know anything
about boudoir. Be yourself, breathe, and let go of any worries!
Don't overthink it - Being nervous is normal. Don't worry about you doing the wrong things or the
right things. Instead, take it slow and easy. You'll be surprised at how soon you get into the flow
of things!
Focus - What made you book the boudoir session? If it was for yourself, think about how
incredibly amazing you're doing and how sexy the results will be. If you are gifting it to someone
you love, imagine their reaction when they see the photos!